Rasanya baru kali, dari sekian banyak kelas Insititut Ibu Profesional, terlintas pikiran untuk "aaah udahan".Alasannya? wah kalau dicari alasannya, bakalan panjang, bisa-bisa satu tulisan di blog nanti " SERIBU ALASAN UNTUK BERHENTI, ALASAN KE 978 BIKIN KAMU GELENG-GELENG" wkwkwkkw...
Dua pekan ini memang menarik, ada dua hal yang harus kita lakukan, campaign dan bentuk tim. Namun, there is one thing that very important to say, yang kudu di garis bawahin, kalau perlu dikasih tanda tebel-tebel deh "CINTAI MASALAHMU" . Yes, that's statement has been repeated many times by Bu Septi. Sederhana, but menohook, dan itu pula yang membuatku, oke I will do my baby step, it because this is my problem, I should love it. If I stop right now then I don't know when it will be solved.
Seperti yang disampaikan sebelumnya bahwa dari akar masalah, priority adalah salah satu akarnya, then how to be here and now adalah salah satu garis merahnya. Allah selalu punya cara untuk membantuku menemukan my baby little step, di pekan yang sama, there are so many things happened and also effect to my body, it need a break! Akhirnya setelah break sebentar, then I found my power again, go go go go, and somehow it makes me think deeply, yes If I could solve this, maybe I can help many women out there.
So, I presented my problem statement to my very first member, my husband. He listened and give some input on what should we do. I also tell him that I will recruit some member who has a same interest with this project. Then I created a short video that explain my problem statement. He gave some feedback on it.
you can find my campaign, here!
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my storyboard for my campaign |
Also, you can find my team detail in here. At the first time, I only need a small team and it will grow depend on my progress. Anyway, if you interested in this topic and want to be part of my team, please join through this link.
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